Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Fall, or don't.

Autumn is here, although you can barely tell in the good ol' AZ. It was in the late 80's today, at the end of October. I wish the temps would "Fall" a little more. One way you can tell it is Autumn: hiking season has opened up. A very eloquently spoken friend said, "It's like the state fair, except without all the fried stuff." It only comes around once a year, and it's a beautiful thing.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Truman Show

I feel suffocated sometimes with the predictability of my days- Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I work. Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to school. I see the same people on the bus and light rail on the way to school, and when I drive to work I see the same people leaving their garages. It feels like the Truman Show type of world, where people talk about the things they’re involved in like it's a commercial. Where everything is the same.
I sit in the same row in my first class everyday. The same girl trips over my longboard every time she walks by (you'd think she'd look out for it by now), the same Industrial Design major-guy wishes me a good morning. Every Thursday in my accounting class I help the same girl with her homework before the teacher gets there, the same guy is late walking in, the same girl is sitting behind me click click clicking away text messages all stinking class. It's the same. Yet when everything was a variable, I was miserable. I never knew my work schedule until the Sunday before. I was involved in so many things that required so many different efforts and qualities, and I was exhausted. Now I'm exhausted (I'm still working my butt off), but it's a different kind of exhausted. I can't quite put my finger on it.
God is interesting like that, He gives us new challenges to overcome. We wish things were one way, and get mad when our prayers aren't answered. Then suddenly, without really realizing it, our prayers are answered and voila: you got your wish. You have stability, you know what your pay check is going to be, which night is date night, which night is family night, and which night is girl night, and so on. My life is so planned right now, that I have completely booked days...in December.
I'm just praying for humility, because I have a lot of amazing things going on for me, and I feel like I'm taking them for granted. I should feel blessed that there is a free shuttle from Tempe to West, and not gripe that it takes an hour to get there. I should feel blessed that I am attending college, instead of complaining about the workload. I should feel blessed that I have a steady schedule, instead of debasing the robot-like feeling of it all.
I should feel blessed. I know that I am blessed, I'm just praying that God will continue to remind me of that daily.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
ASU: First Day, JR. Year
As I arrived on campus, I located my 9 am, 450 person lecture, and Fall semester officially began. After my two classes at the Tempe campus, I have two at the West campus (lovely). I make the 20 minute walk from the MU to the light rail station, where I planned to pick up my bike, light-rail it home, grab some lunch & head to West.
Stolen. My bike got stolen. Shoot! It's name should've been Old Faithful, since it was my mountain bike that cost $70 in 6th freaking grade (I was just about as tall then as I am now, another fun experience in my life). It had green paint, and the breaks only worked on one side. I hope whatever sucker stole my bike learned about the break malfunction the hard way: I hope he ran into a pole.
Panicking and not sure what to do, I call Liz who precedes to look up the bus I'm supposed to take to West, low and behold it is in fact right next to the MU, which is 20 minutes away, and it leaves in 20 minutes. Oh joy.
I literally got there right when the bus pulled up, & yes there was running involved. I sat in the second row, & I look out the window. "Hmm...that looks like Kara." I think to myself. She turns her head, "Hmm, that IS Kara." Kara happens to be the girl in high school who slept with my ex while I was dating him- wonderful. She is now boarding the same bus as I am.
I pull out my phone, fiddling, fiddling, trying not to make eye contact. Guess who decides to sit right freaking in front of me....Kara. I still kept to myself as she stared directly at me, probably half wondering if she should move seats, and half wondering what the odds were at we'd be on the same bus, in the same two rows. Funny, I was thinking the same thing.
For the next HOUR I avoided eye contact & endured the awkward glances that were coming my way. I was very ready for this day to end. I get to West, went to Bio, and met up with Lizzy and Daniella for some much needed Chipotle and Starbucks.
Well, the Starbucks after a full bowl at Chipotle was not a good idea. I preceded to go to my next class, Accounting at 6 pm.
6: 15 rolls around, and no one is in the class. Hmm. I check MyASU, and guess which class is only on Thursdays. I trudged back to the bus for the hour long ride home. I called my boyfriend, asking for him to pick me up, knowing I couldn't handle the whole walking/light-rail situation after today.
While waiting, my feet began to sting. I look down, how wonderful. Red ants and covering them, and proceeded to bite. That was the icing on the cake, of my first day of Junior year. I hope the rest of the semester goes better than Tuesday...
ASU: On Wheels

There is a distinct kind of student at ASU main campus: casual, usually pretty trendy. But then again, right now not being trendy, is trendy. People usually carry their books in backpack, girls either carry their books/binders or have a large purse holding the contents of their life.
Monday, May 4, 2009
When Pigs Fly

As Americans, it is part of our wiring to think of the best-case scenario, and that the worst-case could never happen. Optimism. We strive for the 'American Dream'- maybe it's to own a successful company, to have a happy family, or to just feel safe within the walls of our home. We are optimistic.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Shirts & Skins

At about 9 pm tonight, as I walked from my parking garage to my apartment with a last minute detergent purchase, I couldn't help but notice the basketball game that was going on next to me.
Friday, May 1, 2009
I wish to be a sponge.

My neck is sore. Back aching. Hands shaking. Legs numb.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Big Bad BAC

Walking up to this six story brick building called the BAC, I wondered what I'd learn here. There is a Starbucks on the first floor, so far the best thing about it. Whatever I would learn here, I'd learn it with an excelled heart rate.