As Americans, it is part of our wiring to think of the best-case scenario, and that the worst-case could never happen. Optimism. We strive for the 'American Dream'- maybe it's to own a successful company, to have a happy family, or to just feel safe within the walls of our home. We are optimistic.
So optimistic in fact that there's no way another country would attack us. Yeah, when pigs fly. 9-11 shook our core. So optimistic that we'll swoop into Iraq and take out the bad guys in a week. Yeah, when pigs fly. Eight years later I'm watching one of my 18 year old Young Life guys in camo walk away, off to Iraq. He's the bravest of the brave, and even he says the scariest thing over there is when you shoot the bad guys, and they keep coming at you.
We're so optimistic that another economic downfall like the great depression could never happen, no not to the U.S. Yeah, when pigs fly. Last fall I watched President Bush give a televised speech to the nation letting us know where we were headed. I also watched the next day as the stock market fell hundreds of points.
So optimistic, and unstoppable, that a disease such as Swine Flu could never sweep the nation, much less the world killing many, no not in the 21st century. We took care of that disease when it swept the nation in 1976, 1988, & 1998 (It seems that every ten years we fall susceptible). Yeah, when pigs fly.
Have you ever really thought about the name Swine Flu? The term "when pigs fly" is used to describe something that could never happen. Read the diseases' name this way: Swine Flew. Enough said.
While no one could have ever guessed or predicted that any of these horrible events would happen, our optimism was turned to irony. So do we stop being optimistic? I would answer with a firm and resounding no.
We may not have expected the worse, but it is the tough things that make us stronger. "Consider it pure joy when you are faced with trials and tribulations of many kinds, for the testing of your faith will provide endurance. So let that endurance grow, so that it may perfect your faith." -James 1:2
Like a vaccine makes us stronger against the disease, these events will only make us stronger for the future.