My snooze button is my vice. I set it 20 minutes earlier than I plan to get up, just so I can come out of my coma and get to work or school on time. I finish my morning routine, breakfast, light-rail, school, gym, homework. It is not exactly my schedule that makes my days interesting, it is the people with whom I encounter.
I'm a people watcher, I cannot help it. It's like my brain automatically categorizes everyone I see. "I know him, I know her, I don't want to talk to them right now, eesh get some thicker leggings." I cannot help it, I think our brains are wired somehow to place a comment about a person in your mind before you even get a chance to tell it to be nice.
I was briskly walking to my accounting class so I could study a few more note cards before the exam, and I see a man passing out pamphlets. I instantly think of the encounter my former roommate, Kia, had with a less-than-loving religious supporter at ASU who was out of line.
Now, I love God and I am a Christian, therefore religious, but I was not in the mood for a debate or even someone questioning my beliefs. The moment I saw him my brain did one of those instant comments, it went something like, "Here we go again." I planned on taking the pamphlet and acting busy and in a hurry so he would leave me alone.
He was an older gentleman, dressed in a suit, with a briefcase, and a hopeful smile as I took the pamphlet from his hands. I instantly felt that I needed to not be busy. I smiled and said thank you, and asked what his name was, he looked shocked. "Steve SomethinSomethin" (I forget the last part), as he shook my hand. He was probably used to people passing him by day by day.
I told him I was a Christian and loved God and I appreciated him being a peaceful representation of his faith. He didn't say anything, but just smiled and nodded. I wont disclose his religion or denomination, it is different from mine, I do not wish to offend anyone since we have differing beliefs (and trust me, after reading the pamphlet, mine are waaaaay different).
I did, think about all the people we pass by each day, and we don't take that opportunity to share our faith in God. He knew that he and I dont believe the same things, but maybe he saw something good in our conversation. Maybe he had a negative preconcieved notion about Christians, maybe due to an experience, he had a bad taste in his mouth for hearing people talk about the one true God.
So, maybe me shaking his hand and telling him to have a wonderful day changed that. You never know.
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